The Community Blog
Our official blog with news, technology advice, and business culture.

Choosing a Path in Tech
There are so many paths in tech that you might not even know exist. There’s Mobile Development, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Data Science—the list goes on.

Choosing a Path in Tech
There are so many paths in tech that you might not even know exist. There’s Mobile Development, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Data Science—the list goes on.

Why It Is Essential to Ask Questions in Tech
I think it’s common for people, especially students, to feel the need to do things independently. However, this mindset can be quite limiting because there’s only so much you can achieve on your own.

Co-Dev Hub hosts Start-Up and Youths Ecosystem Dialogue.Theme: Supporting the Youths and Start-up Ecosystem Through Cooperate Social Responsibility
In an effort to encourage Cooperate Social Responsibility practices that supports the youths and startups Ecosystem in Borno State, Co-Development Hub hosted a one-day Multi stakeholder dialogue on Cooperate Social Responsibility for supporting Youths and Startups.